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updates (previously: on coronavirus)

February 28 and
March 3, 2025

.. two dates when the Wooppers studio will remain closed.

The first is a date that will remain in Greek history as the day when all people and all businesses demonstrated for Justice throughout Greece and abroad. The date marks the second anniversary from the tragic Tempe train disaster on 28 February 2023, which claimed 57 lives. The disaster exposed the failures in railway systems and gave rise to allegations of a cover-up.

Two years on, new forensic findings and fresh legal battles continue to spark the demand for justice and accountability.


On a different note, on March 3rd we are celebrating Clean Monday, the day that marks the end of the carnival season and the beginning of Lent. We mark the day with delicious food that contains no meat and dairy products and fly kites high up into the sky!


31 December 2025



Wishing you all good Health, Prosperity, Humanity and Solidarity so that our Joys will never again be stained  with bloodshed and Genocide!

My love to all,


29 November 2024

Today is Black Friday and for new customers that do not know us well I feel that I have to explain..

As the picture says in this beautiful traditional Greek calligraphy work “we don’t do sales”. Ours is a work that does not comply with common market rules and tricks. Our work is authentically made and authentically sold meaning that we always sell our made to order slippers in the lowest price we can possibly afford. We do not mass produce and we only keep very little stock for the convenience of our customers.

I am sorry if you find these news disappointing but what we are really striving for is that our slippers will never disappoint you.

I am going back to work now as this is our hardest month of the Year.

Happy festive shopping,


Image: Calligraphic work by @quickbrownfox.ath in Greek meaning “We don’t do sales”

"We don't do sales" in Greek calligraphic letters by @quickbrownfox.ath
Four unique pairs of wooppers slippers made in various colors of greens and blues made of self dyed wool.

July 2024

As the disasters around the world weigh heavy upon our civilization I continue making slippers.
Some of them I have dedicated to charity.

Read more here if you feel interested.

15 April 2024

With so much turmoil and war happening around the world, it is difficult to keep serene and mentally healthy. We do our best to help in any situation we can and constantly we help quieting our mind by making wooppers.

This is a hard physical work and after months and months of doing just wooppers, it is now time for a little break.

This year in Greece Ester comes much later, on May 5th. It will be a long holiday for most of us as also Mayday moved to May 7th.
All this is to say that I will again start shipping your orders on May 8th.

In the meantime please feel free to place your orders for cat houses too. We make these all the way until September.

For all of you who celebrate Easter according to the Orthodox calender, we wish you wholeheartedly,

Happy Easter filled with Love and Peace!

Cat inside an igloo cat house made in wool by Wooppers

30 April 2023

Here is another happy cat in a Wooppers cat house.

Our cat houses are much loved by cats and their human friends alike and it is a pleasure for us to create them. However, during the winter months we are so busy making slippers that becomes very difficult to create the cat houses. Therefore from now on, we will offer the whole range of pet houses but make them only from March to September.

With some planning in advance your pets will hopefully enjoy their favorite houses.

photo credit: R. Roetzer

25 February 2023

As spring reveals itself in abundance I have a couple of announcements for you.

First is, that I will take nature’s call and stay away from office for almost three weeks. I need to let you know about this, since I personally check all items leaving our workshop and therefore our next shipping dates will commence from March 21st onward.

Also, please note that our shop hours have changed and now we are open to the public,
Monday to Friday 10:00 to 16:00.
If you need to visit outside these times please call to arrange an appointment.

Stay well,

6 February 2023

This winter season – including the Festive one – we congratulated ourselves for meeting our making time commitments without the need to extend our making time longer than the stated two weeks.
…until now that is!
Severe weather is affecting our supplies and the snow here in Attiki province disrupts courier services and access to work. So for our latest orders please allow us a few more days…
We are getting there!

Black Friday? Nope! – 25 November 2022

At Wooppers we do plenty of black slippers but Black Fridays we don’t!

Some reasons are that:
– we treasure value and we believe valuable items can resist all tricks of trade.
– we do not overproduce since we make your slippers on order.
– we do not overstock and our supply in the physical shop is limited but essential.
– we do not overprice so we can slush prices down later.
– we dislike overspending so we cannot encourage this attitude.
– we hate rush and rushed shopping.
– we try to show thoughtfulness in everything we do so it is only natural to understand when our customers do the same.

Enjoy your Friday same as every Friday!

Black wool slippers by Wooppers. The right slipper from four black pairs are standing side by side. The outside of the slippers is black and the colors on the inside from left to right are grey, maroon, olive green and royal blue.

15 September 2022

Warm weather is holding on here in Greece so whenever possible we like to go for a dip in the sea.
Summer was good although the tranquility you see in this picture was an exception. Wind blew and blew and never stopped, ignoring the patterns of Meltemi. Meltemi is the seasonal northern winds, that blow through the islands in the summer to relief us from the heat. But as we see with so many other weather phenomena nowadays, our winds too were much too unusual and unexpected.
The world lives and operates on a different mode than the one we were used to for decades. I see that what times require from us is fast adaptability to the new challenges.
Planning comes second. Responding comes first. It makes it all too strange and challenging, especially for someone like me who loves slow living and deep thinking.
Bringing the conversation to Wooppers, I cannot promise things such as fast making times or eliminate delays especially as the festive season approaches. However I can promise, that I still love making wooppers and I will always do my best so my customers are satisfied from their purchases.
Let us wish for a good and peaceful cooler season,
Stay well my friends,

Latest Update – 25 January 2022

The coronavirus did not manage to stop us so far but the weather did! The snow came yesterday and was falling thick around Athens for more than 24hrs. The result is chaos, with cars abandoned in the middle of streets and main routes closed even the most modern of them. Broken trees have fallen on cables and cars and there are power shortages in many places. People cannot access work or even the super market and so the 25th and 26th are declared holiday for the public and private sector. It is not looking promising as the temperatures will remain around 0°C and more snow showers are in the forecast in a couple of days.

Here at Wooppers most people cannot access the studio so making is now really really slow. It feels like proper winter hibernation (however hard is for the ones who try to keep things going) and my only wish is that everyone stays well, we cannot afford even the tiniest bone getting fractured.

Click here to see what happened so far in my vicinity.

Our new shop window at Wooppers - Fall of 2021

Latest Update – 8 November 2021

It is very unfortunate that we will have to endure yet another winter in the pandemic. In this very dull climate for our country and following the new regulations we will have to ask you to only come in the shop with a valid certificate of vaccination or recent test. Let us do all we can to keep healthy!

Latest Update – 15 May 2021

May 15th marks the initial phase of easing lockdown restrictions here in Greece.
Hooray!…We can now start thinking of moving between different districts and at last plan some nice escapes to the countryside!
Here at Wooppers nature is calling us too but we intent to always be true to the making times as shown on our home page and every product.
Enjoy the new freedom dear friends and let us exercise responsibility hoping to never have to live under this kind of restrictions again!

A pair of wool slippers by Wooppers on display by the shop window with a bucket of fresh spring flowers.

Latest Update – 17 February 2021

In Athens we lived some special moments the last couple of days. The snow came just as winter was leaving us and it was a lot of it! There are still disruptions of electricity and at least for a day streets were blocked. Production and deliveries stayed behind because of the situation. But the snow was beautiful and faces smiled wide, noses got red and the quietness was only interrupted by happy laughs and giggles. It was a wonderful break from this third, dull, strict lockdown!

Latest Update – 5 December 2020 – Making time

Thank you for your trust and preference in ordering wooppers! We really appreciate it!
Please take the long making time into consideration while ordering. Due to covid restrictions we cannot have more people to help us and the making of wooppers is a lengthy process. Thank you for your understanding it is the first time we are experiencing this situation too!

Latest Update – 24 November 2020 – Shipping

When airway disruptions started in the beginning of the pandemic we made DHL our main way of shipping. With the second wave of the pandemic and the new lock downs Hellenic Post and national post services around the world experience such heavy delays that we avoid to use them completely. Therefore we keep DHL as our primary way of shipping outside Greece.
For European destinations, you can choose between regular (“shipping costs”) or expedited (DHL shipping). We will use DHL in both cases but the duration of the delivery will be different. Lower rate will be approximately one week to ten days delivery time.

Shipping outside EU will be always DHL expedited. This shipping method involves custom declarations that can be complicated especially if you wish to return goods for a reason. If you need to return you should use a carrier of your own choice. Please read more in Return policies.

We feel sad that UK will feel a step further from us in the coming year. This means that the same customs regulations will have to apply and we expect huge delays in Postal service to UK too. Also postal fees will be adjusted by the 5th of December in preparation to the new situation.

Thank you very much for trusting us with your order, we do our very best to serve you. We cannot employ more people to help us due to the pandemic so you need to exercise patience. Thank you so much for your trust,


update – 4 May 2020

Following the easing of safety measures here in Greece, I would like to inform you that from now on we can serve you also in our studio shop. Just take notice, one customer at a time please.

Our opening hours are 10:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.

affirmative relaxation in the coronavirus pandemic

This is important

We live in unprecedented times and so I felt it is appropriate to update you on how coronavirus changes the way we work here at Wooppers. In uncertain times such as these we cannot pretend that we do business as usual. As a result we have taken special precautions and measures to deal with the new challenges.
The measures will change as the situation progresses and so I will be updating this space as needed.

At this moment it is everyone’s responsibility to minimize their contact with others in order to give our valued health system space to cope.
So, please stay home, please stay safe!

I want to reassure you that here at Wooppers we put safety first so please read on to learn about what we are doing at the moment

What we do

As you know we use green soap to make your slippers, which is a good starting point. 🙂  Under the circumstances we take extra care so the working place itself is cleaned and sanitized daily by the person who works there.

Yes, you heard correctly, only one of us is working in the studio at a time, which means that from now on you may expect delays. Obviously, there is no way that anyone of us will be allowed to work, if we develop symptoms. Computer work is done from home.

The retail shop is closed for customers. The only contact with other persons are  the couriers who pick up the orders.

Picking up of orders is working normally at the moment. However there may be delays due to airway commercial transport so please take this under consideration when ordering.


We commit to updating this space as circumstances change. In the meantime take good care of yourselves and each other.

stay home enjoy your wooppers slippers